Thursday, December 20, 2007


Add to Technorati Favorites

I joined Technorati today and posted my blog there. So far I feel like my blog is just a documentation of what I'm learning and doing. Hopefully, I can make it more personal when I'm through learning the tools. The world of blogging is huge! I have some things in mind I would like to explore in this new world down the road...primarily how artists use these technologies. I listed one blog on artmaking as a favorite. I thought it was funny that one of the popular blogs was how to make money blogging...really? That sounds like a long shot.

As far as searching for "Learning 2.0", I found a search box and an advanced search on Technorati. I found 19,977 entries in total including posts, blogs, videos, and photos. There were 948 hits for blogs. However, I could not find how to search the blog directory or tags. I read FAQs about them and how to get my blog involved in them but not how to search for other blog. I enlisted the help of fellow co-workers to no avail. Is the site defective? Why is it easy to find what everyone else is looking at but hard for me to find things? Alas, my non-techie lament! But on the positive side, there's quite a bit to look at and explore.

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